• How long do I keep all this food safety paperwork?

    Published on August 27, 2014
    With the amount of produce food safety paperwork generated by growers, it is easy to forget how long to keep something. Growers should know the standard minimum length to keep food safety records based on the Food Safety Modernization Act.

  • Best practices for food safety when handling greens

    Published on July 29, 2014
    Risk of foodborne illness in leafy greens can’t be eliminated, but there are steps growers and farm marketers can do to reduce the incidence of foodborne illnesses in leafy greens.

  • Food Code may bring changes to farmer’s markets

    Published on July 29, 2014
    With the adoption of the 2009 Food Code, some changes in produce handling may be necessary at farmer’s markets. If you sell lettuce and other leafy greens, you might want to consider changes in handling to ensure quality and legal compliance.

  • Livestock and fair food shouldn’t mix: Tips to keep you healthy at the fair

    Published on June 17, 2014
    Risk of getting sick after touching livestock at a petting zoo or the fair is real and tragic. Nothing can be done to eliminate the risk, but there are several practical things fairgoers can do to avoid getting sick after petting animals.

  • Where does worrying about food safety in fresh produce end for the grower?

    Published on May 5, 2014
    Most growers worry a lot about the safety of the food they grow and where their responsibility lies. This article aims to point out where the worry may not match up with the grower’s responsibility for food safety.

  • FSMA compliant worker training: Doing it right every time

    Published on May 5, 2014
    As a fresh produce grower, are you sharing the right information as part of your worker training to be FSMA compliant? Find out if you have all your food safety bases covered.

  • FSMA and GAP are not the same

    Published on April 18, 2014
    Being GAP-certified is not the same as being FSMA compliant. Check with your buyer first to determine if you need a GAP certification above and beyond being FSMA compliant.

  • Food safety when growing melons on your farm

    Published on March 14, 2014
    Cantaloupes and other melons were evaluated nationally by the FDA in the summer 2013 for potential food safety hazards. Here are some of the things they found.

  • Proposed irrigation water standards

    Published on February 28, 2014
    It’s important to be aware of Food Safety Modernization Act water standards. This article outlines the proposed standards and gives information about how to learn more.

  • Insuring against crop losses due to recalls: Are you covered?

    Published on February 6, 2014
    Crop insurance for fresh produce is often taken for granted until it is sorely needed. Growers are urged to look into their fresh produce crop insurance coverage to ensure adequate coverage.