• Integrated Pest Management Scouting in Field Crops

    Published on November 23, 2015
    Scouting and monitoring are critical steps in pest management that allow managers to quantify pest pressure and the potential for crop damage.

  • Performance of Fineleaf Fescue Cultivars and Selections in Michigan 2004-2006

    Published on November 23, 2015
    Five species of fescue, chewings fescue, strong creeping red fescue, slender creeping red fescue, hard fescue and sheep fescue, are all commonly identified by their fine leaf texture.

  • Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers

    Published on November 11, 2015
    This annual guide is a summary of currently suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control and disease control measures for commercial growers. A version of this publication is available at http://mwveguide.org

  • Lime for Michigan Soils

    Published on November 10, 2015
    This bulletin covers the nature of soil acidity, the need and importance of liming the soil to neutralize acidity, comparisons of various liming materials and their neutralizing values, and guidelines for liming soils for crops grown in Michigan.

  • Secondary and Micro-nutrients for Vegetable and Field Crops

    Published on November 10, 2015
    Plant nutrients in fertilizers are classified as major nutrients and micronutrients. The most important major nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Plants require these nutrients in relatively large amounts.

  • Steps to Successful No-Till Establishment of Forages

    Published on November 10, 2015
    No-till seeding means planting forage crops directly into a field with no additional tillage performed after harvesting the previous crop (usually corn, soybean or small grain).

  • Facts about Soil Acidity and Lime

    Published on November 9, 2015
    Questions and answers about soil acidity and lime.

  • No-Till Drilling Cover Crops after Wheat Harvest and their Influence on next season's corn

    Published on November 6, 2015
    Over the past five years, Michigan has seen a 22 percent decline in wheat acres (Mich. Ag Stats, 2000-01).This decline is primarily because the markets for wheat have not been competitive with those for other field crops.

  • Recordkeeping System for Crop Production

    Published on November 6, 2015
    Topics covered in this bulletin include Pesticide application, Nutrient application, Manure application, Animal burial and composting, Irrigation, Employee training

  • Perennial Wheat

    Published on August 20, 2014
    Perennial wheat, a new crop under development at the time of this writing, has the potential to be used as a multi-purpose crop.