• Unsoundness and Blemishes of Horses: Feet and Legs

    Published on February 12, 2016
    This is a four-page publication about the unsoundness of horses' feet and legs.

  • Housing Your Pleasure Horse

    Published on February 12, 2016
    Information on housing your pleasure horse.

  • Carcass Composting-A Mortality Management Option Michigan Equine Owners

    Published on November 17, 2015
    This bulletin offers useful information on a difficult topic for equine owners: disposing of dead animals in an environmentally friendly way.

  • Toxic Plants of Concern in Pastures and Hay for Michigan Horses

    Published on November 10, 2015
    Many Michigan horse owners worry that toxic plants may be present in their pastures and hay. Although numerous plants can create problems to horse health, the reality is that poisonings from toxic plants are not all that common under most circumstances.

  • Buying Horse Hay

    Published on October 27, 2015
    Whether used for work, sports, recreation or companionship, horses need high-quality forage. Not all hay has the same quality, even that grown or harvested at the same time. Quality hay has a high nutrient content and is free of dust, mold and other matter

  • Horse Farm Management Workbook

    Published on October 26, 2015
    While preparing this informative booklet, the author has attempted to touch on many phases of horse activity. Some parts are quite detailed while others are quite simply stated

  • Michigan Trees Toxic to Horses, Donkeys, and Mules

    Published on October 26, 2015
    Trees are of immense benefit to both the value and the esthetics of a property, but certain trees may be harmful to livestock. Five trees are discussed below.

  • Common Toxins in Equine Feedstuffs

    Published on October 26, 2015
    Equine feedstuffs can be exposed to toxins during growth, harvest and storage. Plant disease, environmental conditions and insect infestation can all increase the likelihood of toxins being present in grains and hays.

  • One Horse or a Hundred-Composting - How Do I Do That? (WO1025)

    Published on October 23, 2015
    If you have been following the “One horse or one hundred” series closely, you may have already decided that composting is the answer to many of your manure management problems. You may now be asking, “How do I do that?”

  • One Horse or a Hundred-What is Composting Anyway? (WO1022)

    Published on October 23, 2015
    Every horse owner has to deal with the same by-product of horse ownership — manure. Horse owners have a common obligation to practice sound environmental practices. Michigan is fortunate to have a strong Right-to-Farm Act to address many of these issues.