Call for papers for telecoupling journal special edition

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A special issue entitled “Telecoupling: A New Frontier for Global Sustainability” is being planned for the interdisciplinary journal Ecology and Society. The special issue seeks to bring together the latest advances and applications in the field of telecoupling to tackling real-world sustainability issues across diverse systems and at local to global scales. The papers will have a common thread in seeking to operationalize the telecoupling framework in order to understand important processes that span great distances and affect both human and natural components of complex systems.

Papers can fall into one of the categories: “Research”, “Insight”, or “Synthesis." Information about the format can be found here. Upon submission, please indicate the paper is for consideration in the special issue on telecoupling. All papers must go through the normal peer-review process before they can be accepted for publication. If accepted, authors need to cover the publication fees for their papers (see the same link above for price information).

Papers in the special issue will be published in a rolling fashion as they are completed and then collated together later on the website as a cohesive group. In other words, the paper need not be on the same timetable as others in the special issue. But given the timeliness of this topic, the proposed target of submission of first drafts to the journal is Dec. 1, 2016. Of course, if the paper is ready for submission sooner, please let us know and we would be happy to get it reviewed sooner (and hopefully published sooner, too). If the paper is somewhat later than the target date, please also let us know and we will try to seek an extension.

Ecology and Society is one of the leading international interdisciplinary journals that publish work on telecouplings and other related issues. Each year, Ecology and Society chooses two paper awards among the papers published. The “Ralf Yorque Memorial Award for Best Paper” is given each year to a paper that provides novel contributions to integrative science and policy research and the “Science and Practice of Ecology and Society Award” is given to a paper that applies an innovative transdisciplinary approach in practice to tackle real-world problems. For example, the 2013 foundational paper on the telecoupling framework was chosen as the Ralf Yorque Awardee for Best Paper of 2013. All papers in the special issue are also eligible for consideration for these awards

Special Feature Editors

Vanessa Hull, Michigan State University <>

Jianguo (Jack) Liu, Michigan State University (

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