Legume Lab announces collaboration along with call for research concept notes

From the May 2024 Newsletter

On the African continent, legumes are an important component of sustainable farming systems and can play a critical role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing factors such as food waste and loss, climate resilience, and economic empowerment. However, various parts of the legume value chain are challenged by several policy, regulatory, institutional, and environmental factors. These challenges have direct and indirect impacts on diverse legume value chain stakeholders, especially small-scale farmers whose livelihoods are tied to the success of legume production and distribution. The mitigation and eventual resolution of these factors for the benefit of the legume value chain and all stakeholders involved is only possible with awareness and subsequent action.

African research think tank, the International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED) and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research have teamed up to address these value chain challenges in 15 countries across East, West and Southern Africa. The duo recently invited legume value chain actors from across the African continent to attend Regional Stakeholder Convenings (RSCs). with the goal of identifying system gaps and research priorities to inform funding opportunities.

The goal of RSCs was to identify systems gaps and research priorities to inform funding opportunities for research projects on the gaps in the legume value chain within each region.

“This collaboration will [achieve several goals, including] providing more financial and technical support to African agricultural research institutions to conduct more impactful research on legumes based on sound evidence. It will also strengthen collaborations between the private and public sectors for more functional seeds systems in each African country,” said Symphorien Agbahoungba, ICED Program Officer and West Africa Legume Regional Hub Coordinator.

“ICED’s experience across the African agricultural sector makes them a key partner for the Legume Systems Innovation Lab,” shares Lab Director Dr. Barry Pittendrigh. “As we embark on new investments across the continent, the RSC concept of engaging diverse players from across the legume value chain will ensure we address the most urgent gaps in the system. ICED’s role in management of these RSCs is critical.”

Based on insights gained through the initial RSC workshops, the Legume Systems Innovation Lab has recently issued a call for concept notes for collaborative research and capacity building projects on legume systems with the potential to generate mutual benefits for both the developing countries and U.S. agriculture. The focal crops of the Legume Systems Innovation lab are common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata W.)

The call for concept notes is also extended to the Central American region.

Interested researchers can view the call for concept notes full details at https://legume.piestar-rfx.com/opportunities/all/rfp/140. Deadline to submit concept notes is June 17, 2024.

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