Remember food safety when you're enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables

Michigan-grown produce will start appearing in farmers markets and gardens as we get closer to summer; keep them safe to eat.

Someone washing strawberries.
Photo: Pexels/RDNE.

As summer approaches, you may see farmers markets open with Michigan-grown fruits and vegetables ready for purchase or even your own garden start to yield produce ready to enjoy. It’s the beginning of the growing season for local fruit and vegetables and soon there will be an abundance of Michigan Fresh produce to enjoy. Michigan State University Extension recommends that before adding these fresh fruits and vegetables to your meals and snacks, you use some key food safety produce tips to ensure safe produce:

  • Wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after handling fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Before and after preparing fresh fruits and vegetables, clean all surfaces and utensils, including cutting boards and knives, with hot water and soap.
  • Wash your produce just before peeling or eating by rinsing it under running water, so that dirt and bacteria are not transferred from the knife to the fresh produce.
  • While washing under running water, rub firm-skinned fruits and vegetables by hand or scrub with a clean brush.
  • Don’t forget to wash those fruits and vegetables with skins or rinds that are not eaten, such as watermelon and squash.
  • Do not wash packaged fruits and vegetables labeled “ready-to-eat” or “washed.” This could cause contamination of the clean produce.
  • Dry fruits and vegetables with a clean paper towel.
  • Never use soap or bleach to wash fresh fruits or vegetables, since these products are not meant to be eaten.
  • Refrigerate at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit all cut or peeled, fresh fruits and vegetables within two hours of preparing. Be sure to have a thermometer in your refrigerator to ensure a safe temperature.

Follow these simple steps to keep all your great tasting, Michigan grown fresh fruits and vegetables safe.

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