Office workouts

Physical activity doesn’t have to be added to your day, it can be a part of your day at the office.

At this point of the year, many of our healthy intended resolutions have been forgotten. Or maybe we just need to add a new twist to keep the momentum going. One reason for our slowdown in enthusiasm is that many of us spend long hours at the office trying to get things done. Our excuse is that it is cold outside and it gets dark early,Workplace exercise, exercise physical activity so we may as well work at the office. Much of that statement is true, but we can change the time spent at the office to an extra step toward a healthy goal of increasing our daily exercise routine. Mayo Clinic suggests some ideas that may help with your exercise routine.

  • Depending on how far your commute to work is, you might want to walk or ride a bike to work, or simply park at the far end of the parking lot. The walk in can help get your mind and body ready for the work day.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator. This is a simple idea, but it can add exercise to your day without effort and it is good for your heart.
  • Any time you can find to stand instead of sit at your desk, you should do it. Standing takes more calories to burn.
  • At your break take a walk instead of a coffee break or do some simple stretches just to get your body moving.
  • Get a group of co-workers together and walk during your lunch. Even if it is just for half an hour, you have added exercise to your day.

Michigan State University Extension says it’s important to be sure the exercise you are doing is done safely and with a doctor’s approval. Start out slow and gradually increase in speed and length of time for your exercise routine. There is always a way to add physical activity to each day. Work place exercise is just one way follow through with your resolutions and goals.


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