Alexandra Kravchenko, Ph.D.

Alexandra Kravchenko

Contact Me

Professor - Soil spatial variability at scales from micro-aggregates to landscapes; statistical and geostatistical methods of data analysis.
Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences



B.S. in Soil Physics, Moscow State University, Russia
Ph.D., University of Wyoming

Contact Information

Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Professor - Soil spatial variability at scales from micro-aggregates to landscapes; statistical and geostatistical methods of data analysis.

Telephone: 517-353-0469

Plant and Soil Sciences Building,
1066 Bogue St., Room 376
East Lansing, MI 48824

Area of Expertise:

Micro- to macro-scale biogeochemical processes involved in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling. Current research focus is on understanding the role of soil pores in micro-scale processes driving soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions; and the role of the interactions between land use and management, soil properties and topography for spatial variability of soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions across agricultural fields and landscapes.